Google Agrees to Delete Users’ ‘Incognito’ Browsing Data in Lawsuit Settlement


Google and its handling of our precious data. You might have heard about this lawsuit against Google in the US back in 2020. Well, it turns out, Google has agreed to shake things up a bit after that legal tango.

What’s the Buzz About?

So, here’s the scoop: Google got into some hot water because it wasn’t being very gentle with our privacy, even when we thought we were sneaky in our ‘Incognito’ mode browsing. But fear not! Changes are on the horizon.

Google is rolling up its sleeves and getting ready to do some serious cleaning. They’re planning to delete heaps of records about what we do online. Yep, you heard that right – billions of them! Plus, they’re promising to play nicer when it comes to keeping tabs on us. However, Google wants us to know they aren’t admitting they did anything wrong. They’re just being good sports and going along with the settlement. This isn’t just a local thing, folks. The changes Google’s making will affect all of us worldwide. They’re getting serious about their policies on tracking data, especially in that sneaky ‘Incognito’ mode.

Google’s not stopping there. They’re testing out a fancy new feature for their Chrome browser. It’s like a bouncer for third-party cookies, even when you’re in incognito mode. And get this – they’re committed to keeping it up for five whole years! As part of this deal, Google’s rolling out the big trash cans. They’re saying goodbye to a ton of files filled with our private browsing history. But here’s the kicker – they’re not handing out cash to make amends. Nope, instead, they’re focusing on tidying up old technical stuff that doesn’t have our names on it.

What’s Next?

But wait, there’s more! Despite these changes, Google might still find itself in some legal pickles down the road. Privacy is a tricky game, after all. So, stay tuned for more twists and turns in this saga. So, there you have it, folks – Google’s making moves to clean up its act and keep our online adventures a bit more private. Here’s hoping they stick to their word and we can all browse with a bit more peace of mind. Until next time, happy surfing!

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